Movement Intelligence/Bones for Life
Carol’s compassion, gentleness, knowledge and awareness were very much appreciated and made the whole experience of learning wonderful! I experienced a new way of myself. Instead of trying to change—fix or let go—I am more curious to experience and see what is already there, allowing my natural intelligence for freedom and alignment to be.
Carol Wirtz July 28, 2017
Carol, I love who you are and all that you shared with all of us. You are so present, engaged, passionate and knowledgeable. Your presence shines and for me is an inspiration to teach this work to help others too.
Penny Neu July 28, 2017
Carol is an incredible teacher; timing and pace are artful. You keep on learning and discovering and the joy you experience emanates.
Linda Richard July 28, 2017
Cynthia really brought the group along. She is supportive, taking time to answer question and also helping me to expand my thinking not just giving away the answers. I feel blessed to have had this chance to study with her and excited about the Bones for Life path ahead.
Christine Cutbush Teacher of the Feldenkrais Method, Bones for Life, and Yoga June 22, 2017
The feeling Bones for Life awakens in me gives me hope. I have also been using some of the exercises with the little frail COPD people I serve. It is amazing how gentle and effective it can be. As I guide them to pay attention, they notice how much it opens their breath.
Susy Boge Occupational Therapist OTR/L June 22, 2017
I love the program and must tell you that after the workshop a longtime student told me that he’d never seen my posture and walking look so good. Thank you, Cynthia again for your clarity, your vision and your hard work. I look forward to our next segment, to teaching classes and being your mentee.
Bonnie Angelies R.N. and Feldenkrais Practitioner June 22, 2017
I greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn with you Cynthia. Your clarity and comfort in teaching is amazing. The work and passion you have put into this process shines through. Ruthy Alon and her work is truly remarkable.
Suzanne Mowery Physical Therapist Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner June 22, 2017
I was stretched and challenged by the ‘Bones’ training. Cynthia’s teaching style is humorous and encouraging. Her presentations were very professional yet casual and accessible.
This different type of learning thru physical experience is new for me. I feel awkward and like a child, only not so agile. Upon returning home, I was sitting on the floor with a few women in a small group at home, and each one moaned about their knees hurting when they tried to get up at the end of our session. I stopped myself from struggling to get up along with them, and said,” Hey, I just learned how to get up last week.” I thought a minute, arranged my feet, rehearsed the spiral mentally, and ROSE up in a spiral to my feet! It was so fun. I take courage from small beginnings and look forward to more revelations.
Yvonne Kress June 22, 2017
Gait for Wild Human Potential
Together, Carol and Cynthia are infinity and beyond; Buzz Lightyears and beyond; This workshop is the Hitchhikers Guide to Gait.
Leslie Renquist Hughes Advanced Rolfer July 28, 2017
The Advanced Training “Gait for Wild Human Potential” will illuminate your thinking and enliven your teaching about this basic human function. Cynthia Allen and Carol Montgomery are gifted teachers, weaving together information about the role of reflexes on lifelong movement patterns and detailed anatomical analysis with individual and small group movement practices to clearly explain and allow participants to experience the concepts of Integral Human Gait Theory. I especially appreciated the discussions of approaches and techniques to address specific movement challenges. Carol and Cynthia generously answer questions, provide individual attention and suggest approaches for back-home application. I highly recommend this advanced training for both experienced Feldenkrais® or Movement Intelligence® practitioners and for those just starting out.
Marg Bartosek GCFP and Bones for Life® Teacher July 28, 2017
I especially appreciated the well balanced combination of intellectual understanding and embodied experience which made for a very rich learning environment in the Gait for Wild Human Potential workshop.
Linda Hedquist LMT July 28, 2017
I appreciated that I saw so many others in the class with gait issues. I have felt alone in coping/relearning my optimal gait. The encouragement and support I received from fellow workshop participants was just wonderful. I left the workshop feeling confident in my gait and no longer feeling like a patient.
Anne Cahill July 28, 2017
Carol and Cynthia do a super job of developing a clear and logical approach to the Gait program and theories with an easy to follow presentation.
Participant July 28, 2017
I reclaimed a relationship with my mid ribs. I feel stacked from the bottom of my stance leg, supported and ready to lift my swing leg to transfer again.
I appreciate so much that you have taken the skills from Bones for Life and Feldenkrais, and just who both of you are, and applied them such a basic function which I agree is essential in our human development at all ages. I feel like I can now apply this to all ages of people who come for a number of different situations.
Penny Neu GCFP, LMT July 28, 2017
I so enjoyed the taking one function–gait–and covering the parts so thoroughly that I actually get it! I feel smart, for once in a Feldenkrais-ish workshop. I will be able to USE this material!!! Thank you for being so technical without resorting to language that loses me. For keeping it somatic, yet giving my mind so much to run with. For teaching so well, both of you, with such neutral expressions of personality. I am so grateful for your work, and your willingness to travel here to teach. This workshop will have a tremendous impact on my movement health, and on how efficiently I can help my Bowen clients stand & walk more fully into their lives. Extraordinarily, powerful experience.
Colette Claude Bowen Therapist July 28, 2017
Wow, so, so much put together to create this workshop. I loved the somatics. I can use this material in my place of work, Long Term Care.
Susy Boge OTR/L July 28, 2017
I’m even more impressed two months after the gait workshop. The perceived benefits mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually continue to operate in my daily life. Especially helpful was the model of a “dive” downwards in preparation for a jump upwards and outwards, i.e. to a higher place. And in fact I did take a very uncomfortable dive into a dark and scary place and have jumped to a more integrated actualized version of myself. I felt and still feel totally supported by the teachers and the group in my own process. It’s remarkable to feel so safe and intimate with others without feeling crowded. Even thought the physical space was small, the experienced space was very roomy.
Bonnie Angelie RN, GCFP July 28, 2017
Gait for Wild Human Potential was a good challenge for me, moving from typical student to more physical learning to interacting with other people and still being responsible for my own learning. The modeling of the instructors in calling forth the compassionate reflex was very key to my own growth and comfort.
Kate Kern Visual Artist July 28, 2017
Very valuable material. An innovative and creative presentation with solid content. Carol and Cynthia have a nice tag team teaching style that includes humor and disclosure. Thank you, thank you, thank you. A wonderful experience. A great learning.
Donna Lilley Physical Therapist July 28, 2017
Professionally: As an acupuncturist and craniosacral therapist I have learned to feel restrictions in my clients lying on the table….during the class, I learned to see those restrictions and how they affect movement and gait…I gained an appreciation of how structural balancing and aligning leads to greater vitality and self-expression…balancing the qi, revitalizing the life force energy, opening the midline to the breath of life.
Integrating: I could feel/see how the VPLH is directly related to the Kidney meridian – starting at K 1, the roman sandal, the first point of the meridian, and moving up the medial aspect of the leg to the dantien, and all that it holds, before moving on and expressing outward to the rest of the body – there’s a lot more to that story…
Mimi Tagher Acupucturist July 28, 2017
Thanks so much for another amazing workshop! Always useful, always illuminating. Cynthia and Carol are brilliant educators.
Cindy Senefeld July 28, 2017
I am so grateful for the time spent with you last weekend! You made it possible for me to be reacquainted with this (almost) 70 year old body in a most gratifying way. Learning did take place in a most gentle, logical order that has given me much optimism about the present and the future. Thank you for your discernment, sharing your expertise so creatively and making a very enjoyable experience: new friendships, new confidence, endless potential!
Participant July 28, 2017